Kelly Masters

Technology in Education Evaluation Team Lead

Kelly Masters specializes in analyzing quantitative data, including designing surveys and questionnaires designed to measure specific project goals and objectives. She is an expert in statistical analysis and has more than 30 years of experience conducting research studies in various private and public contexts. Kelly’s experience with qualitative research includes focus group and personal interview development and executive and document review, often complementing quantitative research findings.

Kelly forms strong relationships with front-line personnel and is customer-focused, particularly related to stakeholders’ perceptions of the quality of services provided via grant-funded interventions.

Education and Certifications

B.S. Business – Marketing: Rochester Institute of Technology

Dimensions of Success (DoS) Certification through Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)

Innovative Approaches to Literacy Program

Kansas State University Army 4-H Wounded Warrior Camps

Mathematics and Science Partnerships

National Science Foundation Grants

New York State Parent Education Partnership

Perkins V Technical Assistance

School Climate

Smart Start Grant Program

Stronger Connections Grant Program

Project Experience

21st Century Community Learning Centers

Advanced Course Access Grant Program

American Rescue Plan Act Funding

Council for American Private Education (CAPE)

Department of Defense Education Activity

Extend School Day/School Violence Prevention (ESD/SVP)

Learning Technology Grants

Title IID – Enhancing Education Through Technology

Title IID Teacher Education

Workforce Development