Dr. Laura Payne-Bourcy, Ph.D.

Founder and Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Payne-Bourcy leads a consulting team with thirty years of experience assessing school and community-based programs affecting a broad range of public, charter, and private schools, colleges, not-for-profits, foundations, and government agencies.

Dr. Payne-Bourcy is a consultant to higher education, not-for-profits, and public schools. She has presented her work at the state and national levels and published her findings in peer-reviewed journals. She conducts studies and program evaluations to ensure appropriateness, adherence to quality standards, and continuous program improvement in schools, government agencies, and foundation settings serving high-needs communities, both urban and rural.

Education and Certifications

Ph.D. Reading Language Arts; Educational Leadership: Syracuse University

M.S. English Education: Syracuse University

B.S. English; English Education: Syracuse University

NYSED Certification: N-6

NYSED Certification: K-12 Reading

NYSED Certification: 7-12 English

NYSED Certification: School Building Leader

NYSED Certification: School District Leader

Full-Service Community Schools

Improving Literacy Through School Libraries

Innovative Approaches to Literacy

In-Service Teacher Education

Math/Science Partnerships

National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates

New York State Parent Education Partnership

New York State RECOVS: Recover from COVID School Program

Out-of-School Time Programs

Parent Information Resource Centers

Perkins V Technical Assistance

Physical Education Programs

Prekindergarten Expansion

Preservice Teacher Education

Reading First

School Climate

School Comprehensive Improvement Planning

Smart Start Grant Program

Strategic Planning

Workforce Development

Project Experience

21st Century Community Learning Centers

American Rescue Plan Funding

Capital Planning

Career Development and Occupational Studies

College Access

Community Needs Assessment

Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration

Department of Defense Education Activity

District Comprehensive Improvement Planning

Dropout Prevention Programs

Early Reading First

Elementary and Secondary School Counseling Programs

Empire State After School Programs

Enrollment Study

Even Start Family Literacy

Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention

Stronger Connections Grant Program

Teaching American History

Title IID – Enhancing Education Through Technology

Title IID Teacher Education

USDA Rural Utilities